Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Phentermine Can Help in Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss

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Phentermine Can Help in Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss

post-pregnancy-obesity-and-phentermine-useWhen a woman becomes pregnant, certain changes in her body, both physically and internally, are obviously expected. As the fetus grows inside her womb, her body will naturally adapt to its changes and nutritional needs. For this reason, a lot of expectant mothers have this notion that they have to start eating for two. Some women make the mistake of using their pregnancy as an excuse to eat what they want. While it is true that pregnant women need to increase their food intake to provide added nutrition to their child, they still have to follow healthy dieting. If not, it could result in being overweight or obese, which is a difficult situation for nursing mothers.

Post-pregnancy weight loss is one of the problems of most women. They don’t have enough time to do regular workouts or follow a weight loss plan. Likewise, they can’t just take any weight loss medication. Mothers are not advised to take weight loss pills if they are breastfeeding. Even appetite suppressants, like Phentermine, are not recommended for nursing mothers because they can be ingested by the baby through breast milk. These kinds of medications are only prescribe for those who are not breastfeeding.

Gaining Weight During Pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, some pregnant women have the misconception of thinking that they can eat anything they desire during pregnancy. They think that everything they eat will be for the benefit of their unborn child and the weight gain will naturally go away after pregnancy.

It is true that women will naturally gain weight during the various stages of pregnancy. Experts say that a 25-35 pounds of gained weight is still considered healthy for pregnant women. The dramatic weight gain is due to the following factors: the infant’s weight, larger uterus, stored fat to be used during the delivery process and breastfeeding, breast tissue, blood supply, the placenta and the amniotic fluid.

Weight Loss after Pregnancy Difficult

Once the baby is born, the added weight will not immediately disappear. And for many mothers out there, getting back to their pre-pregnancy weight is quite a struggle. Even with constant breastfeeding and exercise, the body and hormones need time to heal and normalize. Another reason why the baby weight seems to hang on is directly related to lack of sleep. While it is natural for mothers of newborns to have uneven sleep cycles, this can cause negative effects on their metabolism. It can go haywire while the body crave for high-sugar and high-calorie foods. Following the wrong sets of postnatal workouts can also result in weight loss failure.

Losing Baby Weight with Phentermine Use

When it comes to creating a postnatal diet plan, it is important to give high importance to the child, particularly if he or she is still breastfeeding. Accomplish diligent research on what healthy types of food will be beneficial to produce the right amount of milk. Incorporate it with a healthy diet and do not forget to add proper and regular exercise to the mix. If one is seemingly overwhelmed or confused on what program or diet regimen to follow, there are many health programs and groups that will be able to come up with a personalized plan for optimum success.

Sometimes a healthy diet and regular exercises are not enough to bring back the mother’s normal weight. Their best option is take weight loss medications and supplements, which can aid in a quicker and more successful weight loss. Phentermine is the most popular option for obese mothers. This particular medication acts as an appetite suppressant and can easily be taken an hour before breakfast or 1 to 2 hours after breakfast. When prescribed by a physician, this will provide successful results and minimum to no side effects.

So for those new mothers who are overweight or obese and would like to ensure efficient weight loss, Phentermine is the best way to go.

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