Thursday, 15 September 2016

How To Combat Constipation On Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
How To Combat Constipation On Phentermine
constipationConstipation is one of the most common side effects of phentermine. As well as being painful and embarrassing, it can really slow down weight loss too. Here we explain more about constipation on phentermine, including why it occurs and the best ways to combat this side effect. What Is Constipation? Constipation is a problem that […]

Thursday, 8 September 2016

5 Factors to Consider Before Taking Phentermine

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5 Factors to Consider Before Taking Phentermine

factors-to-consider-before-taking-phentermineIn a recent study, health experts found compelling evidences on obesity’s link to serious health conditions, particularly cancers. From the previous 5 types of cancers linked to obesity, they added 7 more after careful analysis of thousands of obesity cases from around the world. In another study, researchers also found out that the mortality rate of an obese individual is higher compared with those with normal weight. These are only some of the recent developments in the study of obesity and its effects on an individual’s health. If you have a BMI of more than 30, you should be worried about these findings. You must seek professional help to avoid the complications and serious effects of having an abnormal weight.

Some of your options include taking weight loss medications, adopting a strict diet plan, enrolling in a weight loss program, or going for a surgery. The latter is usually the last option if all the weight loss options fail. But a surgical procedure is expensive and too risky for those with other medical conditions. Our recommendation for you is to consider taking weight loss medications like appetite suppressant drugs. This particular type of medication is considered safe and more effective compared to other weight loss drugs in the market. An example of this drug is Phentermine, which is the most prescribed appetite suppressant for overweight and obese people.

5 Factors to Consider

Phentermine is known in the weight loss industry for its ability to treat obesity. Its potency has been proven by countless obese patients around the world. Former users can testify to the immediate and dramatic weight loss effects of the drug. Most of them were able to lose weight up to 20 lbs. in the first few weeks of medication. With these benefits, you’ll surely try this appetite suppressant pill. But, don’t just take this drug without consulting a health care professional. Your doctor should determine first if Phentermine is suited for your current health condition.

Here are the 5 factors to consider before taking Phentermine for weight loss:

1. Serious illness. It is very critical to consult a certified weight loss doctor before you decide to take this drug. Your doctor knows the kinds of illnesses that will be triggered or affected by Phentermine intake. You should also help your doctor in making the right diagnosis by sharing vital information about your health. Some of the diseases or health conditions that may affect your treatment include heart diseases, diabetes, overactive thyroid, and some type of cancers.

2. Planning to get pregnant. If you are planning to get pregnant, avoid taking Phentermine. Doctors will always advice you to avoid taking medications before, during, and after pregnancy. Phentermine is not exempted from the list. The drug may affect the development of the fetus and may be ingested by babies during breastfeeding sessions. If you want to lose some weight before getting pregnant, make sure that you take the drug months before your planned pregnancy.

3. Taking medications for other diseases. Phentermine is not recommend for obese patients who are taking medications for other health conditions. In fact, there are 469 drugs that may interact with Phentermine. Some of the drugs that are contraindicated with Phentermine are as follows: anti-depressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, antacids, carbonic anhydraze inhibitors, and guanadryl. For a complete list of drugs contraindicated with Phentermine, please read this article.

4. Willingness to change lifestyle. Majority of obesity cases in the country today are caused by unhealthy lifestyle. Experts agree that an effective weight loss program should include the patient’s willingness to change his or her lifestyle. If you are a couch potato, a fast-food lover, or a binge eater, you will surely end up overweight or obese. Vices can also contribute to your weight gain, so avoid or stop them right away.

5. Completing the weight loss program. Some people fail to achieve their weight loss goal because they easily give up when they don’t get positive results during the first few weeks of treatment. If you want to be successful in losing your excess weight, you should complete the program. Take note that your body’s response to Phentermine may be different from those who have experienced faster weight loss. Be patient. With the right weight loss program and constant monitoring of a health expert, you will surely achieve your desired weight in a short period of time.

Achieve Positive Weight Loss Results

There are no secret formula to achieving positive weight loss. Your determination and ability to follow a guided weight loss program will help you succeed in this area. Some people fail because they only rely on a particular weight loss approach. While Phentermine is proven effective, you should still opt for a more comprehensive treatment such as combining exercise and healthy diet with your Phentermine treatment.

Start Your Resolutions Early With Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
Start Your Resolutions Early With Phentermine
resolutionsSo, have you decided on your New Year’s resolutions yet? No, we haven’t misread the date, we know it’s only September. But, now is actually the perfect time to make changes to your life. Here we explain why getting a head start can help you to stick to your goals of getting healthy and losing […]

Thursday, 1 September 2016

How To Follow A Vegetarian Diet On Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
How To Follow A Vegetarian Diet On Phentermine
vegetarian dietVegetarian isn’t a byword for healthy, but following a balanced vegetarian diet can help you to lose weight on phentermine.  So, whether you want to eat less meat to help weight loss, or you’re a vegetarian looking for healthy eating advice, we’ve put together this guide to following a vegetarian diet on phentermine. Types Of […]

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Can Phentermine Improve Your QOL?

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Can Phentermine Improve Your QOL?

phentermine-weight-loss-quality-of-lifeObesity is a serious medical condition that affects not only the physical but also the emotional and social well-being of a person. Most obese individuals have very low self-esteem due to their over-sized body and inability to socialize with other people. A person’s overall productivity is also affected, whether in home, office or school. As a result, obese people tend to have poor Quality of Life (QOL).

If you are also overweight or obese, you might be experiencing the same dilemma. But don’t fret. There are a lot of things you can do to improve the quality of your life. You need to be ready to change, be more focused, and adopt a proven weight loss plan to manage your weight. You can undergo medical treatment or opt for simple weight loss approaches such as engaging in physical activities, exercises, and sports. You also need to eat healthy foods, particularly those that promote weight loss. Avoid fatty foods, sugar, and too much carbohydrates since they are the culprits of weight gain. However, you must shun fad diets since some of them are not effective and may result in starvation.

You will have a better QOL if you adopt a healthy lifestyle and take medicines that will help you lose weight. There are prescription medicines and supplements that are proven effective in treating obesity, so you just have to choose the one that will suit your condition. And one of the best options is Phentermine, which is a popular weight loss drug in the market today.

Is Phentermine the Right Solution?

Our answer is yes. There are countless users who can attest to the effectiveness of Phentermine as a weight loss medication. They were able to lose weight in a short period of time without experiencing serious side effects. With the right dosage together with a sound weight loss plan, Phentermine is the perfect solution to your problem. We have seen numerous obese people who were able to return to their normal lives because of Phentermine. You can also achieve the same results if you will try this weight loss drug.

Seek Professional Help for Your Weight Loss

Obesity can ruin your life if you allow it to happen. As mentioned, most obese people have poor QOL because they let the disease ruin them – physically, mentally, and socially. These problems can be avoided by seeking the help of professionals. These professionals will help you ensure the success of your weight loss journey by providing expert advice and prescribing the right methods and medications.

The first thing that you should do is to consult a weight loss doctor. He or she can perform proper diagnosis and recommend the weight loss treatment that will suit your needs or condition. You may also need a dietitian or a nutritionist to create a diet plan that will not deprive your body with vital nutrients and vitamins. Engaging in physical activities is always a part of a comprehensive weight loss program, so you may also need a fitness trainer to help you come up with a plan that will work for your body. A therapist or counselor will also be a great help if you are experiencing depression and low self-esteem.

Once you achieved a healthy and normal weight, you will surely have a more enjoyable, more productive, and happier life. If you want to experience a better Quality of Life, don’t forget to ask your doctor about the appetite suppressant drug Phentermine.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Why Am I Angry On Phentermine?

Phentermine Blog
Why Am I Angry On Phentermine?
angryAlongside physical side effects such as dry mouth and insomnia, phentermine also causes more psychological side effects, such as depression, anxiety and anger. In fact, increased anger on phentermine even has its own term, as this side effect is commonly known as ‘phen rage’. If you’re wondering why you’re feeling angry on phentermine or how […]

Thursday, 18 August 2016

The Truth About Taking Water Pills On Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
The Truth About Taking Water Pills On Phentermine
water pillsMany people losing weight with phentermine search for ways to increase their weight loss potential by adding supplements like Phen Caps, 5-HTP, and B12 injections to their daily dose of phentermine. Worryingly, it is also becoming more common for phentermine users to take water pills alongside their phentermine prescription thinking that this will increase weight […]

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

5 Myths About Phentermine Use

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5 Myths About Phentermine Use

myths-about-phentermine-useThere are still a lot of obese people who are not familiar with the weight loss drug Phentermine. Some of them are hesitant to take the drug because of the wrong information they get from friends and online sources. There are even several myths about Phentermine use that many people still believe up to this day. Please read on and find out the reasons behind these myths. This list will also help you change your perception about the said weight loss drug.

5 Phentermine Myths Explained

Among the weight loss drugs available in the market today, Phentermine is on top of the list when it comes to safety and efficacy. However, the myths surrounding this drug shun potential users and may even cause undesirable results if followed. Here are the top 5 myths about Phentermine use:

1. Long-term use is okay. Phentermine is not recommended for long-term use. The typical treatment period is 12 weeks or 3 months. After this period, you should have attained your weight loss goal. Taking this anti-obesity drug longer than the prescribe period can result in undesirable side effects. Its weight loss effect is also lessened because of your body’s increased tolerance to the drug.

2. Cause withdrawal symptoms. Many obese patients are still hesitant to try this drug because of its perceived addicting properties. Most medical journals list withdrawal as one of the possible side effects of the drug. But an independent study revealed that there is no truth about this claim. While it is grouped into the amphetamine class, Phentermine does not cause withdrawal symptoms even when administered in higher doses or longer than the prescribed period.

3. Higher dose is always better. Phentermine is available in 15mg, 30mg, and 37.5mg capsule or tablet. Usually, your doctor will prescribe the lowest dose to assess the reaction of your body. It can be increased if the expected amount of weight loss is not achieved. However, doubling the dosage is not recommended since it can trigger serious side effects. The highest dose that you can take is 37.5mg per day.

4. Use combi-drug treatment for better weight loss. If you believe that combining Phentermine with other weight loss drugs is more effective, you are wrong. This drug should not be taken with other appetite suppressants or pills intended for weight loss. Phentermine is a potent medication, so taking other weight loss drugs may result in more side effects and serious complications. Your best option is to adopt a healthy diet and follow proven weight loss exercises.

5. Buying without a prescription. Another myth about Phentermine is it can be bought without a prescription. This drug is a Schedule IV substance, so it can only be purchased with a prescription. Whether you choose the branded or generic ones, you need a valid prescription before you can buy from pharmacies or online health stores. Though, many Phentermine-like pills can be purchased over-the-counter without a prescription. They are classified as supplements but not as controlled substances.

Be an Informed Phentermine User

Losing weight is a difficult task for an obese person like you. But with positive mindset, correct information, and right medication, you can combat obesity and live a healthier and happier life. Use Phentermine to achieve all these. But take note that medication alone will not guarantee your weight loss success. You have to change your lifestyle, eat foods for weight loss, and engage in physical activities. With this regimen, you can surely lose that extra weight and become healthy again.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

STOP Emotional Eating On Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
STOP Emotional Eating On Phentermine
emotional eatingEmotional eating describes those times we turn to food for comfort, eat to relieve stress, or use food as a way to beat boredom. Phentermine can help to keep these cravings in check, but despite our best intentions, this way of using food as a solution or response to our emotions can be one of […]

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Are You Worried of Phentermine Addiction?

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Are You Worried of Phentermine Addiction?

phentermine-addiction-weight-lossAddiction is one of the side effects that you don’t want to experience after a successful weight loss treatment. There are some synthetic weight loss medications that can possibly cause withdrawal symptoms or increase the rate of becoming addicted to the drug. These undesirable effects can happen to any user, especially after completion of the obesity treatment program.

One of the weight loss drugs that is very popular among overweight and obese people is Phentermine. This pill is an effective medication for obesity. However, one of the listed possible side effects of the drug is addiction. This information has shunned a lot of would-be users who need immediate treatment. They are afraid that it would be very difficult for them to stop taking the medication because of its addictive properties.

But is it really true that Phentermine is addictive? Please read on to find the truth about the real effects of Phentermine.

Amphetamine-like Composition

The main reason why Phentermine is being labeled as an addictive drug is its composition or structure. Based on health publications online, this drug has a characteristics similar to amphetamines. The latter is known to cause addiction when used inappropriately. Both drugs are classified as psychostimulant and target the central nervous system. Since Phentermine and amphetamines belong to the same classification, caution is required when taking the drug. They are only taken with proper prescription and guidance from a health care professional.

New Study Claims Phentermine not Addictive

For obese people who are still afraid to take Phentermine because of a possible addiction, worry no more. Researchers have found out that the drug will not cause addiction or let you suffer withdrawal symptoms. The objective of the study is to determine if Phentermine treatment will induce abuse, psychological dependence, and drug craving in overweight, obese, and patients under weight loss maintenance. The respondents of this particular study were obese patients who were long-term users of Phentermine.

The methods used by researchers were similar to the ones used in addictive drugs. For example, the questionnaires and measurements used include Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS), 45-item Cocaine Craving Questionnaire-NOW (CCQ-NOW), Module K of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI-SUD), and Amphetamine Withdrawal Questionnaire (AWQ). These tools were modified to suit for the Phentermine study.

The results were as follows:

• The interviews under the MINI-SUD method revealed negative results for Phentermine abuse or psychological dependence.
• Both long-term and short-term users of Phentermine have low SDS examination scores. This mean that the patients were not psychologically dependent upon Phentermine.
• The PCQ-NOW scores were low for all types of users, whether they are under long-term or short-term treatment. The scores showed that the drug doesn’t cause drug craving.
• Amphetamine-like withdrawal symptoms did not occur after an abrupt cessation of Phentermine intake.

Go for Safe Weight Loss Drugs

If someone tells you that Phentermine is a dangerous obesity drug, you can immediately say that he or she got the wrong information. Phentermine is actually the safest drug in its class and does not pose serious side effects when prescribed by a doctor. You can now ease your worries and start your weight loss regimen with Phentermine. Again, this obesity drug is safe, non-addictive, and does not induce drug craving. You can also stop anytime without worrying about withdrawal symptoms.

Become a healthy and productive person by losing your weight . Opt for Phentermine treatment now

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Working The Night Shift On Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
Working The Night Shift On Phentermine
night shiftWorking the night shift can be hard on your health. Night workers regularly experience disruptions to their diets, sleep deprivation, and often work long shifts which leave little time for exercise. With this in mind, trying to lose weight on phentermine while working the night shift can be challenging, especially if you experience side effects […]

Sunday, 31 July 2016

6 Reasons Why Phentermine is Still the Top Choice of Obese People

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6 Reasons Why Phentermine is Still the Top Choice of Obese People

top-choice-phentermine-obese-peopleObesity is still one of the causes of high mortality rate in the US. The increasing number of deaths associated to obesity-related illnesses is already alarming. In fact, recent studies revealed that in the next 5 years, the obesity rate in the country would reach more than 20 percent. If you are included in this statistics, it’s high time to make a decision. Take away those excess fats by engaging in a weight loss regimen. It is also best if you go to a specialist to treat your condition. Obesity is a health condition that is difficult to treat and may require a comprehensive method of treatment to achieve positive results.

Since obesity is already a serious health condition, a typical exercise regimen will not provide your needed cure. Relying on fad diets alone is also not a good idea. Some of them do not offer long-term benefits. So if these options are not 100 percent effective, what is the best treatment method that you should try? Our answer is Phentermine. This weight loss drug has been proven effective in the treatment of obesity. Since its introduction in the market decades ago, the drug has helped countless obese people to return to their normal lives.

6 Reasons Why You Should Pick Phentermine

Among the weight loss pills available in the market, Phentermine was able to prove its effectiveness. Thousands of obese individuals can attest to the potency of the drug and the number of highly satisfied Phentermine users is still increasing. Here are the top 6 reasons why Phentermine is still the top choice of most obese individuals:

Affordable. Not all obese patients can afford to spend huge amount for their weight loss medications. Phentermine is priced affordable so even if you are on a tight budget, you can still take the medicine to jumpstart your weight loss. You can save more if you buy larger bottles or choose the generic ones.

Short-term treatment. Unlike other weight loss pills that you should take for years, Phentermine is only recommended for short-term treatment. The usual length of treatment is 3 months. But this period will already give you positive results.

Once-a-day dose. If you are a very busy person, missing a dose is a common scenario. Taking medicines three times a day is also annoying sometimes. But with Phentermine, you can avoid these concerns. This weight loss pill is taken as a once-a-day medication, preferably early in the morning.

Transient side effects. The great thing about Phentermine is that the side effects are usually transient. Once you stopped taking the drug, the side effects will also disappear. Moreover, the side effects are usually mild in nature and can be easily manage or controlled.

Effective weight loss pill. If you will compare the effectiveness of Phentermine to other weight loss drugs, the former is the clear winner. Phentermine will help you lose weight by curving your appetite. With less food intake and adopting a healthy lifestyle, the weight loss process is hastened.

Encourage healthy living. Another reason why Phentermine becomes a very popular drug for weight loss is its overall effect on an obese individual. Doctors will recommend changes in your lifestyle to maximize the positive weight loss effects of the drug. These changes include eating healthy foods, engaging in regular exercise and physical activities, and avoiding alcohol and other vices.

Healthy and Long-term Weight Loss

People who want to experience healthy and long-term weight loss choose Phentermine. Now it’s your turn to try this wonder obesity pill. But don’t rush to your nearest pharmacy since this medication is a prescription-only drug. Consultation with your health care practitioner is always necessary to help you choose the best weight loss pill.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Beat The Bloat To Lose Weight With Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
Beat The Bloat To Lose Weight With Phentermine
bloatingIt’s a familiar story for many of us – you’ve done really well with eating healthily this week and the scale says you lost weight, but your bloated stomach seems to tell another story. Many of us suffer from bloating, which can be really demoralizing, especially when you’re working so hard to lose weight. Bloating […]

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Fad Diets vs Phentermine for Weight Loss

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Fad Diets vs Phentermine for Weight Loss

fad-diets-phentermine-weight-lossFad diets continue to lure people because of their quick weight loss claim. Proponents of these types of diets usually guarantee that the weight loss method will work for all people. The extensive marketing in print, TV and other forms of media is also one of the reasons why a lot of obese people are inclined to try and adopt such type of dieting. Most companies also use celebrities and well-known personalities as endorsers of their weight loss product or diet method. But fad diets are not fool-proof weight loss method. We have seen a lot of dieting programs that can’t live up to their promises. Some of them only offer temporary weight loss while others can only offer minimal amount of weight loss.

Meanwhile, weight loss pills are also popular options for overweight and obese individuals. They come in different forms and are more reliable treatment methods for obesity. However, the downside with weight loss pills is that they have different functions and effects. There are pills that will suppress your appetite while others will enhance your metabolism. You also need to get a prescription to buy one. Though, some of them are available over-the-counter. An example of an appetite suppressant pill that is widely used for weight loss is Phentermine. It is a prescription drug and primarily used for obesity treatment.

Fad Diets vs Phentermine

If you are only given two options for your weight loss regimen, which one would you choose? Fad diets or Phentermine? For some they would choose fad diets because they believe that losing weight through food is the safest option. However, this is not always the case. There are some fad diets that can also cause complications and other serious side effects. Let’s take for example a popular fad diet: Carb-free diet. This option restricts the individual’s intake of carbohydrate but does not limit consumption of fats. The body converts fats into energy, which then results in weight loss. This may seem a very simple and great weight loss approach. But take note that this type of fad diet can lead to a serious health problem. Dieters usually increase their intake of meat products that are high in saturated fats. This could result in an increased risk of getting heart diseases.

Most of the fad diets out there limit the consumption of food, which results in starvation and inadequate intake of vital nutrients. They may not contain enough vitamins and minerals to aid the body in its normal functions. Some of these nutrients include iron, vitamin D, calcium, and fiber. And it is also a fact that some of these fad diets will only offer temporary weight loss.

On the other hand, taking Phentermine can be your ticket to achieving a healthy and normal weight. The effectiveness of this drug has been proven by countless users and patients around the country. In fact, this is the recommended weight loss pill by most health care professionals today.

The good thing about Phentermine is that you won’t have to starve yourself just to get your desired weight. You can lose weight by doing regular exercises, eating healthy food, and taking the drug as prescribed by your doctor. Overweight and obese people usually experience positive results in the first few weeks of treatment.

Phentermine is one of the safest weight loss drugs. The side effects are usually mild and transient. By following the recommended dose and length of treatment, you won’t have to worry about getting ill during the treatment period. If you feel any undesirable effects, your doctor can easily control or manage them.

Choosing the Better Weight Loss Option

Before taking any weight loss drug or following a dieting program, you must always weigh its positive and negative effects on your body. You must also consult your doctor to help you choose the right weight loss option. While trying fad diets may be an exciting endeavor for some, it is still better to choose tried and tested weight loss options. The next time you visit your doctor, why not ask more information about Phentermine? We’re sure that this drug will help you lose weight in no time.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Why Am I Hungry On Phentermine?

Phentermine Blog
Why Am I Hungry On Phentermine?
hungryPhentermine is known as an effective weight loss medication, helping users to lose weight by suppressing appetite. However, that doesn’t mean that you won’t still get hungry on phentermine. Here we explain why you might still be feeling hungry and how to manage your appetite to help boost your weight loss results. How Phentermine Suppresses […]

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

10 Added Benefits Of Exercise On Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
10 Added Benefits Of Exercise On Phentermine
added benefits of exerciseWe all know that exercise helps you lose weight, and that phentermine gives you the energy boost you need to get active. But, if you needed any more persuading to start exercising on phentermine then here we highlight ten added benefits of exercise to help you look and feel great from top to toe! 1. Boost Your […]

Monday, 18 July 2016

Taking Phentermine to Curb Obesity-linked Premature Deaths

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Taking Phentermine to Curb Obesity-linked Premature Deaths

obesity-shorter-lifespanA recent study revealed that obesity can shorten the lifespan of an individual up to 10 years. The study, which was recently published in the Lancet, was able to establish the effect of obesity on the mortality rate of overweight and obese individuals. Researchers based their data from more than 10 million obese people from 32 countries. Their figures were sourced from 239 large studies conducted from 1970 to 2015.

Researcher also found out that obese men are at a greater risk than women. Other notable findings are enumerated below:

• Overweight. People who are overweight tend to lose 1 year of life expectancy on average.

• Moderately obese. These people have a BMI of 30-34.9 and will lose about 3 years. Their risk of dying before the age of 70 is 29.5%.

• Severely obese. Expect to have a shorter lifespan or lose about 10 years of your life expectancy if you are severely obese. You will have a greater chance of dying before you reach the age of 70.

Health Risks of Being Obese

People who are overweight or obese are more prone to other health risks such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and even some form of cancers. The premature deaths could be the result of these diseases or associated with these health issues. Psychological and social issues can also affect the quality of life of obese individuals. Health experts agree that obesity epidemic should be addressed immediately to avoid the high mortality rate. If the trend will not stop, it may become a norm not only in North America but also in other countries around the globe.

Controlling Weight Gain: Your First Defense

If you are overweight or obese, your best option is to take weight loss medications before it’s too late. The complications of obesity will not only make your life miserable but may also drain your pockets because of costly hospitalizations. There are a lot of available medical interventions that you can choose from, depending on your current health condition. For severely or morbidly obese, a more comprehensive obesity treatment is necessary. Meanwhile, people with 25 up to 35 BMI can undergo simpler treatment. In fact, they can lose weight by just changing their lifestyle or taking an appetite suppressant medication.

Is Phentermine Your Solution to Avoid Premature Death

The study has already proven the link between obesity and premature death. If you don’t want to lose the 10 precious years of your life, it’s time to take a concrete action now. Take medications that effectively control weight gain or encourage weight loss. One of your best options is to take Phentermine. This drug is an appetite suppressant that has been used for decades for obesity treatment. It is an effective medication since users can already feel the positive effects in just a short period of time. It is usually prescribed or recommended as a 12-week obesity treatment.

To achieve long-term benefits, health care experts will also recommend lifestyle modification. During and after the treatment, you have to adopt healthy dieting and engage in regular exercise. People who followed this treatment are successful in their weight loss goal.

Just make sure that you consult your doctor before taking any weight loss medication. Remember, Phentermine is a prescription-only drug, so you need a valid prescription from your doctor to get one. Getting professional advice is always recommended since you will be dealing with your body. People who self-medicate are more prone to complications and may even fail in achieving their desired weight.

Taking Phentermine to curb obesity-linked premature deaths can be a simple solution to this worldwide epidemic.

Friday, 15 July 2016

How Iron Boosts Phentermine Weight Loss

Phentermine Blog
How Iron Boosts Phentermine Weight Loss
ironWeight loss and healthy eating go hand in hand, so it’s important to get enough nutrients to ensure that your body is working at its best to help you lose weight. However, many people don’t think of iron as a nutrient, which might explain why low iron is the most common nutritional deficiency in the […]

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Are You Going To Extremes On Phentermine?

Phentermine Blog
Are You Going To Extremes On Phentermine?
going to extremesWhile adopting healthy habits like drinking more water and exercising really help you to lose weight with phentermine, there is a danger of going to extremes – even if you think you’re making healthy choices. Some people throw themselves into strict diets and exhausting exercise routines thinking that they will lose weight faster, but you […]

Thursday, 30 June 2016

How to Determine the Right Phentermine Dose

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How to Determine the Right Phentermine Dose

right-phentermine-dosage-for-weight-lossJust like other obese people, you also want to shed those excess fats as soon as possible. But choosing the best pill is not an easy task since there are numerous weight loss medications available in the market today. Recommendations from health experts may also add to your confusion. Some people may recommend revolutionary exercise regimens while others will swear to the effectiveness of fad diets. Another option that you may consider is to take appetite suppressant pills. This is a good option, but choosing the right brand and taking the right dose are critical factors to consider to ensure the success of your weight loss program.

Taking Appetite Suppressant Phentermine

The most popular drug in the appetite suppressant category is Phentermine. This drug has been in the weight loss market for more than 5 decades already. The efficacy of the drug has been proven by countless obese patients here and abroad. But don’t just take this drug and expect to lose weight in an instant. It is classified as schedule IV substance, so you need a prescription before you can take the medication.

As an appetite suppressant, Phentermine effectively controls your hunger and tell your brain that you are already full even if you eat less food. But take note that this medication will not starve you. It will only reduce your cravings for food, thus reducing your calorie intake.

What is the Right Phentermine Dosage?

For overweight and obese individuals who want to try this drug, they should follow the doctor’s prescription and take note of the dosage. Phentermine is a potent weight loss pill, so the treatment must be monitored by a health care professional. With the right guidance, you can avoid the side effects that may be caused by the drug.

Here are some of the important things to follow and consider when on Phentermine medication:

• Take it at the right time. Phentermine is best taken one hour before meals, preferably early morning. This will maximize the appetite suppressing capabilities of the drug. If you are required to take it twice a day, take your next dose hours before bedtime. This is to avoid insomnia or sleeplessness, which is a side effect of Phentermine medication.

• Start with lower dose. Your doctor will surely prescribe the lowest dose in the first few weeks of treatment. This will allow your body to adjust to the weight loss effect of the drug. The dose can be adjusted based on your body’s response. If you are already losing weight with the lowest dose, ask your doctor before increasing the dosage. Drastic weight loss can be dangerous and may cause serious complications.

• Choosing the right dose. As mentioned, your doctor will determine the right dose that your body can take. He or she will also consider other factors such as your current health condition. You are taking the right dose if you are losing at least 1-2 pounds per week. If you are not achieving this result, you may be advised to take a higher dose.

Available Doses of Phentermine

Phentermine is available in either capsule or tablet form. This will depend on the brand or type that you are taking. You may choose branded Phentermine or opt for the generic type, which is a little bit cheaper. As long as you are taking genuine Phentermine, both types are effective in weight loss treatment.

Phentermine is available in 15mg, 30mg, or 37.5mg dosages. Most treatment starts with 15mg per day and increased to higher dose to maximize the weight loss effects of the medication. According to surveys, most obese patients use 37.5mg Phentermine to get their desired weight within 12 weeks.

As mentioned, take Phentermine as prescribed. Don’t increase the dosage without your doctor’s approval. You should always take note of any undesirable results that you may experience while taking the drug. Phentermine is a considered as one of the safest weight loss medication in the market today. However, not all people will have the same response to this drug.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Can Phentermine Trigger Quick Weight Loss?

Welcome to the Phentermine Blog
Can Phentermine Trigger Quick Weight Loss?

quick-weight-loss-with-phentermineA lot of obese people are curious about the weight loss effects of Phentermine. Can Phentermine really trigger quick weight loss or is it just another marketing hype from pharmaceutical companies? Most users affirm the efficacy of this weight loss drug. They can attest to the positive weight loss results that they have experienced. On the other hand, there are also some who are claiming that the medication’s weight loss effect is minimal. With these opposing claims, obese individuals may think twice about using Phentermine as their primary mode of treatment. If you are one of them, please continue reading this article to find out the real truth about this issue.

Effective Short-term Obesity Treatment

Phentermine is classified as a Schedule IV substance so it is only taken by obese people with valid prescription. The main function of the drug is to suppress the appetite of the user, which results in fewer daily food intake. When taken as prescribed, the user will start to lose weight in the first week of treatment.

This weight loss drug is only prescribed for short-term obesity treatment. The usual length of treatment is 12 weeks or 3 months. After this period, the patient should already attain his or her weight loss goal. The expected positive results in a short period of time is a clear proof that Phentermine can really trigger quick weight loss. You will also have a safer weight loss journey because your body will not suffer from the complications of instant weight loss as promised by other medications in the market today.

Holistic Weight Loss Approach

When opting for Phentermine treatment, you will not only take pills to control your cravings for food. You are also required to adopt a healthy lifestyle. You will enjoy the maximum weight loss benefits of Phentermine if you will choose a healthy diet and engage in physical activities.

Most obese people in the country are suffering from obesity because of poor eating habits and unhealthy foods. By cutting your carbohydrates intake, as well avoiding fatty and sugary foods, you will be able to fast-track your weight loss.

You also need to move and become physically active. Inactive people will gain more weight because of the extra fats stored in their bodies. Engaging in moderate exercises is a good start. If you don’t want to be stuck inside a gym, opt for a more relaxing and enjoyable physical activities. Some good examples are brisk walking and jogging. You can do these exercises in your neighborhood or in a park.

Lastly, you must commit to a healthier lifestyle. Avoid vices and other activities that can contribute to your weight gain. With these changes and the help of Phentermine, you will surely experience faster weight loss.

Is Quick Weight Loss Safe?

People who are after quick weight loss expect to get their desired weight too fast. If you have the same goal, you are doing it the wrong way. Medications that result in too much weight reduction can be dangerous. Some of the complications that you may experience include dehydration, fatigue, heart palpitations, and loss of concentration. According to health experts, 1-2 pounds of lost weight per week is considered healthy weight loss. A typical Phentermine treatment program can achieve this rate and may even result in higher percentages. But this drug will not trigger too much weight reduction that your body can’t handle.

With Phentermine, you can have a safe, quick, and successful weight loss.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

How To Choose A Healthier Breakfast Cereal

Phentermine Blog
How To Choose A Healthier Breakfast Cereal
cerealCereal is one of the easiest breakfast options and is still holding strong as America’s favorite choice in the morning. However, thanks to recent reports highlighting how much sugar some brands contain, navigating the cereal aisle can be a challenge, especially if you’re trying to lose weight with phentermine. So, if you’re missing your morning […]

Thursday, 16 June 2016

7 Portion Control Tips To Boost Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
7 Portion Control Tips To Boost Phentermine
portion controlPortion control is a phrase used a lot when it comes to popular weight loss methods. But if you’re wondering what it involves, and whether weighing everything before it passes your lips is the only way to lose weight then we have the answers for you. Here are our top tips for controlling your portions […]

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Break These Diet Rules To Lose Weight On Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
Break These Diet Rules To Lose Weight On Phentermine
diet rulesSometimes it’s hard to know what to believe when it comes to the best ways to lose weight with phentermine. Especially when so-called experts are forever sharing their must-follow diet rules which often seem to contradict each other. Eating healthier and losing weight doesn’t have to be complicated – it should just be about reaching […]

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Your Phentermine Dosage Guide

Phentermine Blog
Your Phentermine Dosage Guide
phentermine dosageAlthough phentermine 37.5mg is the most popular and well-known phentermine dosage, there are a wide range of dosages to choose from when it comes to being prescribed phentermine. So, if you’re not sure which is the best phentermine dosage for you, or you’re wondering why your doctor has prescribed you a certain dosage, then we […]

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

10 Easy Ways To Fit In Fitness On Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
10 Easy Ways To Fit In Fitness On Phentermine
fit in fitnessIn our fast paced world we understand that everything and everyone wants a piece of you, and that exercise often gets put on the back burner in favor of other ways to spend your precious free time. However, it’s a mistake to think that you have to put in hours at the gym to see […]

Friday, 20 May 2016

Taking Phentermine Right to Ensure Weight Loss

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Taking Phentermine Right to Ensure Weight Loss

taking-phentermine-right-for-weight-lossA third of US population is considered obese, and studies show that the rate will continue to increase. But why worry about the number of obesity in the country? Obesity is a serious health condition that needs to be addressed immediately. It increases the risk of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes to name a few. The lives and lifestyles of many obese people are also affected because of this condition. It also affects their emotional and social well-being. With these undesirable effects, obesity should be treated as soon as possible. The usual exercise and dieting is the way to lose weight for some. However, these are not enough if you are already obese. Losing 200 pounds or more is almost impossible if there is no proven medication to take.

Treating obesity is not as simple as exercising and following a fad diet. Weight loss pills are also recommended together with lifestyle changes to make it easier for an obese individual to lose weight. This combo is more effective especially for people at high risk of obesity-related diseases. One of the weight loss pills commonly prescribe by doctors is Phentermine. This is a stimulant with similar characteristics with amphetamine. It suppresses the appetite by directly affecting how the central nervous system works.

How to take Phentermine right

Phentermine is an effective medication for obesity. However, its efficacy depends on how it is administered. It’s best to follow the doctor’s prescription to ensure the success of the treatment.

For those who are already successful in their weight loss endeavor, they have something in common. They took Phentermine the right way – from the dosage to length of treatment. Please note that this drug is available in different forms and different dosages. Here’s a guide on how to take each form:

Capsules. 15 to 30 mg of capsule should be taken once a day, an hour before or 2 hours after breakfast.
Disintegrating tablets. One tablet a day, taken each morning.
Extended-release capsules. Recommended dosage is one capsule a day before breakfast.
Tablets. Those 18.75 mg to 37.5 mg should be taken once a day preferably one to two hours after breakfast.

Phentermine is recommended only for 17 years old and older. Children are prescribed with a different kind of medication to help them lose weight. This drug should not be taken 3 to 4 hours before sleep to avoid insomnia. In case of a missed dose, it’s best to take it as soon as possible. But just wait if it’s almost time for your next dose. Never take double doses to avoid experiencing some negative body reactions.

Avoiding the side effects

Phentermine is an effective anti-obesity drug. But you may also experience some side effects during the treatment. Some of common side effects include:

• Hyperactivity
• Feeling restless
• Headache
• Tremors
• Dizziness
• Insomnia
• Dry mouth
• Unpleasant taste
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Upset stomach

These side effect are temporary. But if you can’t tolerate these effects, ask the help of your doctor. He can adjust the dose or revise your weight loss program. Besides taking the right dosage at the right time, it also helps to drink more water. It will not only hydrate you but also help address one of the side effects of Phentermine, which is dry mouth.

Sustained weight loss with Phentermine

Remember that Phentermine is not a magic pill that makes you slim in an instant. It is a medication used to help you lose weight by making you feel less hungry. You can also adopt a new lifestyle, control your diet, and become active to fast track your weight loss. Exercising at least 3 times a week is a good start. Do whatever you can — jog, walk, dance, or swim. It will tighten loose muscles and also help in burning more calories. You can also sustain your weight loss by sticking to your daily calorie allowance. You can check your basal metabolic rate, or the amount of calories you burn even if you sleep all day. You can easily do this by using calorie calculators or some online apps.

Again, Phentermine is not a magic pill. It will help you lose weight but you should also adopt ways to facilitate the weight loss process. Use it as prescribed and you can expect positive results in no time.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

The 10 Best Nighttime Snacks On Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
The 10 Best Nighttime Snacks On Phentermine
nighttime snacksDon’t eat after sundown – it’s one of the top diet rules right? But who says we have to resign ourselves to not eating anything from the early evening until the following morning? Eating healthily doesn’t mean we have to deny ourselves when we’re truly hungry. Long-lasting weight loss comes from learning to recognize the […]

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Break The Yo-Yo Dieting Cycle With Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
Break The Yo-Yo Dieting Cycle With Phentermine
yo-yo dietingAre you constantly losing weight, only to gain it back again? If so, you’re not alone – many people have trouble maintaining their losses, even with the help of phentermine, and often find themselves back where they started time and time again. Although obesity is far worse for your health, this type of weight cycling, […]

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

The 5 Best Summer Fruits To Eat On Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
The 5 Best Summer Fruits To Eat On Phentermine
summer fruitsFruit is way more than nature’s candy; packed full of nutrients and fiber, fruit is the sweetest way to eat your way to weight loss and good health. So, as the temperatures start to rise, forget slurping on an ice cream or guzzling a cold can of sugar-loaded soda, and sink your teeth into some of these deliciously […]

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Will Phentermine Show Up On A Drug Test?

Phentermine Blog
Will Phentermine Show Up On A Drug Test?
drug testOne concern for many people taking phentermine is that phentermine is said to give a false-positive result on an employment drug test. In response to the many questions we’re asked about phentermine and drug tests, here we explain more about the drug screening process, why phentermine can give a positive result, and how to avoid […]

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Cut These Daily Habits To Lose Weight On Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
Cut These Daily Habits To Lose Weight On Phentermine
daily habitsWhen it comes to losing weight on phentermine, we’re often focused on making big changes to our diets, but sometimes it’s the small changes which can make the biggest difference. We’re talking those daily habits which have worked their way into our lives, and which could really be adding up to a whole lot of […]

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

How To Start Exercising On Phentermine

Phentermine Blog
How To Start Exercising On Phentermine
start exercisingSo, you have your phentermine prescription and you know that the best way to lose weight is to combine it with a healthy diet and exercise, but where do you start when it comes to exercising? If the prospect of getting active for what could be the first time since gym class at school is a […]


Buy Phentermine

Phen375 is an OTC diet pill that makes your body burn fat before it is deposited on your hips and waist. Phen375 pills not only destroy stubborn fats, but reduce your appetite and help you get rid of constant, strong, irresistible hunger feeling.

Regularly using Phen375, you double your efforts in fight against obesity, stop your adipose tissue grow, and achieve fast and expected weight loss in just a few months.

For faster and stable weight loss, use Phen375 in combination with an active lifestyle and a balanced diet, and then you will create all necessary conditions to maintain a healthy weight for long.

Phen375 helps you control your appetite and burn stubborn pockets of fat till you reach your ideal weight. But using Phen375, do not forget the main key to your success is sustained motivation for weight loss.

After all, only those men and women can lose weight quickly who are working hard to start a new life without overweight and obesity!

Incredibly strong and completely safe diet pills Phen375 can help reduce weight in three ways.

Phen375 decreases hunger feeling, improves appetite control, and helps to reduce the amount of food consumed.

Phen375 improves digestion, increases body temperature, and thereby stimulates a metabolic rate.

Phen375 destroys fat cells and makes the body use fat as a backup energy source.

Phen375 destroys fat cells and makes the body use fat as a backup energy source.
The synergistic effect is achieved because Phen375 pills are formulated from several strong active ingredients.

As an appetite modulator – Phen375 contains one of the most strong natural appetite suppressants Caffeine. As the fat-burning components – Phen375 contains strong amino acid L-Carnitine and natural lipolysis stimulator Coleus forskohli. As metabolism accelerators – Phen375 contains extract of Citrus Aurantium, Cayenne Pepper Extract, and Dendrobium Nobile.

Five key competitive advantages Phen375

Proven effectiveness! Numerous real users’ testimonials! Shipping Worldwide! Affordable price! 30-day money back guarantee!

As additional active components, Phen375 pills contain:

Chromium Picolinate – which regulates blood sugar levels and may slow the progression of diabetes. Calcium – which stimulates fat oxidation and may inhibit fat absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

The process of weight loss can be complicated, but not for those who use Phen375.

Why Phen375?

Natural fat burner Phen375 is developed by one of the largest manufacturers of natural supplements in the USA and Europe – RDK Global.

Having developed and patented the formula of Phen375, RDK Global managed to create a unique weight loss product, 37.5mg Phentermine Hydrochloride, currently considered to be one of the best non-prescription alternatives to pills and capsules.

Formulated from clinically proven ingredients Manufactured at the U.S. FDA-approved laboratory Meets the highest quality standards

To confirm the high efficiency of Phen375, RDK Global provides a 30-day money back guarantee for every man and woman who would not manage to lose weight with Phen375 for one month.

These five key competitive advantages made Phen375 the most popular OTC diet pills in dozens of countries around the world.

In order to protect consumers from fake Phen375 pills, RDK Global refused to cooperate with pharmacy networks and online-retailers, and independently promotes this fat burner at the international market of weight loss products.

If you want to buy original Phen375 and get a 1-month money back guarantee, order this fat burner only from the exclusive distributor.

The post Phen375 appeared first on Buy Phentermine.

How to Avoid Phentermine Side Effects in 3 Easy Steps

Welcome to the Phentermine Blog
How to Avoid Phentermine Side Effects in 3 Easy Steps

how-to-avoid-phentermine-side-effectsMany obese people are still afraid of the possible side effects of Phentermine. Information from medical journals and publications would show that this anti-obesity drug can cause mild to severe side effects. Some of the serious reactions affects the cardiovascular and nervous system. There are also some info that list impotency and cancer as possible results of taking the drug. These may sound scary, isn’t it? But why is it still allowed to be sold in the market?

We have to understand that Phentermine is a prescription drug. Just like with any scheduled drug, pharmaceutical companies are obliged to publish all clinical information about the drug. During clinical trials and studies, there were some noted side effects caused by Phentermine. However, most of them are mild in nature. The only serious side effect that was associated with Phentermine is valvular heart disease, which was caused by the potent combination with another drug, Fenfluramine. This combo drug was already pulled out from the market decades ago.

Actually, Phentermine is one of the safest drug for weight loss. Since it is a prescription drug, you may suffer or experience some undesirable effects. This drug is no different from your other medication or OTC drugs like pain relievers and cough medicines. They also have a long list of possible side effects but we still take them.

Avoid the Side Effects in 3 Easy Steps

You should stop worrying about the side effects of Phentermine. Your utmost priority is to lose weight to avoid other serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer. The best thing to do is to understand the function and characteristics of the drug you are taking. In your case, learn about the composition, dosage, reactions, contraindications, and other important information about Phentermine. This will already help you avoid some of the side effects of the drug.

But if you are now taking Phentermine and currently experiencing some undesirable side effects, please follow these steps:

1. Take the right Phentermine dose. Over dosage is the usual problem why most obese individuals suffer negative effects from the drug. Always follow your doctor’s prescription since they know the most effective dose for you. Doctors will usually recommend the lowest dose and increase it once your body increased its tolerance. Never double dose or self-medicate.

2. Take the pill at the right time. Some Phentermine users complain about sleeplessness. This can be avoided by taking Phentermine at the right time. This weight loss drug is best taken early in the morning on an empty stomach. If you are taking it twice daily, your second dose should be taken 2-3 hours before bedtime. You should also ensure that your bedroom is conducive for sleeping.

3. Engage in a healthy lifestyle. Obesity is a serious medical condition. If you still follow your old lifestyle, you will not be cured. And worst, you may even experience some of the side effects of Phentermine because of your weak body and immune system. To avoid these problems, you have to engage in a healthy lifestyle. Adopt a healthy diet program and avoid foods that contributes to weight gain. Eat in moderation and choose fruits, vegetables, and good protein. Never forget to include exercise in your regimen. You can start with brisk walking or jogging. This must be done on a regular basis.

Your Safe Weight Loss Pill

Phentermine has been in the market for several decades already and it has been helping millions of obese people. The side effects, while a concern, must not hinder you to achieve a better and healthier life. Phentermine is the best weight loss drug that you can find today.